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Jimmy Kimmel's "Unnecessary Censorship: Obama Edition"

President Obama has been letting loose a bit lately. He recently sat down for an interview with Vanity Fair in which he admits that he curses a lot. He says he uses more foul language than he probably should. Obama says his staff has often overheard him going on profanity-laced rants. To get a taste of what it’s like, Jimmy went through the past eight years of bleeps and blurs involving our President and compiled this all-Obama edition of “Unnecessary Censorship.”

Growing up, the only time I swore (or go on profanity-laced rants) was when I was playing tennis - only playing singles of course. I only cursed at myself under my breath, never at my opponent. I didn't even swear when I got hit in my right ear by a 100+ mph serve during a league match -- by my doubles partner! OUCH! Otherwise, the only time I swore was when I was about to do a Bruce Lee impression and kick someone's @$$!

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